Entries added by: Brandon Montalvo

Transition A, Turntable Icon Brandon by M hitbnk

Transition A, Turntable Icon Brandon Montalvo by Wmalhoh L sb

Hi, my name is Brandon Montalvo. I saw your site mix-base.com while browsing the internet. I liked it so much that I decided, since you have such a cool site, that you could help me with some advice on my youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbBXoNzfSOw Please take your mind off work for a bit and watch it and post in the comments, how much did you like it, what's the best thing to fix? I would be very grateful!

What is MixBase?

MixBase is a handy DJ-transition manager that saves your transitions in a database and makes them easily accessible to you and your friends. While you're DJing, look up a song that you're playing and see if anyone submitted a transition that works well with your current song.

Update: I will soon release a new version that will go through all the transitions and create a DJ-set playlist based on all the submitted song pairs.
MixBase icon, two nodes with sound waves in between them

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